Basic Design Pencil Sketching Theory Different Views of Crocki Drafting Greeting Portfolios Computer Aided Design Color Design Stitching Paper Cutting Project Work
Introduction to...
Typing English...
Introduction of...
Accounting Pack...
Basic Design Pe...
VB.NET Course ...
Introduction To...
Basic Electroni...
Computer Fundam...
Introduction to Webdesign,Photoshop, Coding, Responsive Design,Responsive Frameworks,Introduction to...
Typing English.. Hindi.. Gujarati.. ....
Introduction of NXSetting up your Drawing EnvironmentMastering in Co-ordinate SystemObject CreationC...
Accounting Package (Tally,Miracle) Finalisation of Account Analysis of Account GST Havala GSTR-1 Sal...
Basic Design Pencil Sketching Theory Different Views of Crocki Drafting Greeting Portfolios Computer...
VB.NET Course Introducing Visual Basic .NET Fundamental of Visual Basic .NET VS.NET Integrate...
Introduction To Your First Program Event-Driven Programming Virtual Directori...
Basic Electronics Technical Introduction (SMPS, Monitor, Speaker, Printer and any Other Computer Par...
Computer Fundamental Introduction to Webdesign,Photoshop, Coding, Responsive Design,Responsive Fr...
Basic Electronics Technical Introduction (SMPS, Monitor, Speaker, Printer And any Other Computer Pa...
Computer Fundamental Notpad Wordpad Paint Computer Games Greeting Maker Word Processing MS-PowerPo...
Computer Fundamental Basic Electronic (Power Requirement Computer) MS-Dos Installation of Drivers In...
Computer Fundamental Introduction of VB VB Concepts Understanding Events, Keyboard, And Mouse Events...
Computer Fundamental Introduction to Client/server Technology Introduction to RDBMS SQL* Plus Data T...
Introduction of AutoCAD Setting up your Drawing Environment Mastering in Co-ordinate System Object C...
Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Introduction of Oops Introduction to C++ Variables & Constants ...
Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Introduction of 'C' Programming Flowcharts Data Types Operators Co...
Computer Fundamental Accounting Package (Tally) Miracle Package...
Computer Fundamental CorelDRAW Adobe Photoshop Adobe PageMaker...
Computer Fundamental Windows Operating System CorelDRAW Photoshop...
Computer Fundamental Windows Operating System MS-Dos MS-Office MS-Word MS-Excel MS-Pow...
MS-Dos C Programming C++ Programming Introduction of Internet ...
Computer Fundamental Windows Operating System MS-Office MS-Word MS-Excel MS-Powerpoint ...
Diploma In Information Technology Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Windows Operating System ...
Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Windows Operating System MS-Office MS-Word MS-Excel MS-Pow...
Semester - 1 Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Basic Concept of Hardware Maintenance Windows Opera...
Semester - 1 Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Windows Operating System MS-Office MS-Word ...
Computer Fundamental MS-Dos Windows Operating System MS-Office  ...
Computer Fundamental Ms-Dos Windows Operating System MS-Office...